General Terms and Conditions

Basic Information about the Seller

Business Name: Kreativna radionica, obrt za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge, vl. Paula Dušak 

Registered Office: Voćarska cesta 26, 10000 Zagreb

Bank and Account Number (IBAN): HR6524840081135292708, Raiffeisen Bank d.d.

VAT Number: 04901576865

Company Registration Number: 98487256

Authorized Representative: Paula Dušak


The General Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between the Buyer and the Merchant regarding the terms and methods of product ordering, product prices, payment terms and methods, warranty for the quality of the sold item, the Buyer's right to written product complaints and Merchant's services, the right to contract termination, product delivery, and other services offered by the Merchant, personal data protection, and other matters relevant to the conclusion of an online sales contract.

The General Terms and Conditions for the protection of personal data are an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions. If the user does not agree with the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Notice, they are obligated to leave and not use the website

The terms of business of the Craft Creative Workshop (hereinafter referred to as Le Šmuk) are composed in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (NN 41/14; 110/015; 14/19), Chapter III - Conclusion of Contracts Outside Business Premises and Distance Contracts, and represent a prior notice in accordance with Article 43 of the Consumer Protection Act, the Electronic Commerce Act, the Obligations Act, and other applicable regulations of the Republic of Croatia.

Le Šmuk reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time. All changes will be published on the website and will take effect upon publication. All changes to the Terms will apply to purchases made after the publication of those changes.

When processing an order, these General Terms and Conditions will be sent to the Buyer by email as the body or attachment of the email and will always be available to service users in a way that allows them to save, reuse, and reproduce them.

General Information

Users or Buyers are required to familiarize themselves with the General Terms and Conditions of the website (hereinafter: the website) owned by Le Šmuk. If they have any additional questions or concerns regarding the General Terms and Conditions, they can contact

By accessing the website or using any part of its content, the user accepts the General Terms and Conditions of the website, as well as all other rules and conditions of use of the website and the services provided through it. Users undertake not to use the website in a way that harms the authors or third parties and accept all risks of using the website and services. If the user does not agree with the above, they are obliged to stop using the website and the services provided through it.

The content of the website is protected by copyright. Modification, rental, sale, or distribution of the content is only possible with prior written permission from Le Šmuk.

Le Šmuk enables the use of the website in the best possible way. This includes monitoring server performance, expanding capacity based on the number of users, supporting Buyers, and resolving errors and system issues. Le Šmuk does not take responsibility for any problems with the operation of the website and services. Le Šmuk cannot guarantee that the use of the website will be uninterrupted or error-free. The user agrees that access to the website may sometimes be interrupted or temporarily unavailable.

Users use the website at their own risk.

Le Šmuk is not responsible in any way for any damages that the user may suffer from using the website The authors and other individuals or legal entities involved in the creation, production, and distribution of the website are not responsible for any damages arising from the use or inability to use the website.

Le Šmuk reserves the right to deny access to the website to users if their usage is deemed inappropriate. Le Šmuk reserves the right to deny access to the website to anyone based on its own judgment. The user undertakes to use the website in a way that does not jeopardize the resources and services as a whole. Inappropriate use of the website is prohibited and results in the termination of access to the website.

The user is obliged to keep the data about their user account confidential and is fully responsible for any damage caused by unauthorized use of their user account.

Le Šmuk reserves the right to modify or supplement the General Terms and Conditions at any time. The changes will take effect on the day of publication on the website. Further access to the website or use of any part of its content will be considered as agreement with the modified or supplemented General Terms and Conditions. Le Šmuk advises periodically checking the General Terms and Conditions to familiarize oneself with any possible changes.

Le Šmuk reserves the right to modify, supplement, or discontinue any part of its business at any time without prior notice, including the website or any of its parts, such as subpages or services provided through them. This includes, but is not limited to, changes in the availability of content, availability of new data, methods of transmission, as well as the right to access or use the website.

The duty and obligation of the user is to use the website in accordance with positive regulations and general moral and ethical principles. Le Šmuk has the right to monitor the content of the website at any time to ensure compliance with the General Terms and Conditions and positive regulations. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions take effect immediately upon publication on the website.

The Buyer is obligated to review the General Terms and Conditions before using the website.


The Buyer is any visitor who purchases products through the website in a manner regulated by these General Terms and Conditions, i.e., any person who selects at least one product, places an order, pays for it, and thus enters into a distance contract.

The Buyer can only be a legal adult capable of performing legal acts. The contract on behalf and for the account of a minor and/or a person deprived of legal capacity can be concluded by their legal representative or guardian. Persons with partial legal capacity can only conclude a contract with the consent of their legal representative or guardian. The Seller shall not be liable for any action contrary to this provision.

Legal entities as Buyers are subject to the provisions of the Obligations Act and the Electronic Commerce Act and are not covered by the Consumer Protection Act. These General Terms and Conditions apply to legal entities in the part that relates to:

  • price and payment method,
  • main features of the product,
  • contracting procedure,
  • description of the delivery method and delivery costs,
  • general information,
  • exclusion of liability, and
  • moment of contract conclusion.

At its discretion, the Seller may grant a legal entity the rights of a consumer who is a Buyer in each individual case.

Main Features of the Product

The Buyer familiarizes themselves with the main features of the product on the website

Le Šmuk reserves the right to modify information, including product prices and special offers on the website without prior notice. A description of the main features of the product is provided alongside the product image. Prices, payment terms, and special offers are valid only at the time of ordering and/or payment.

Contracting Process

Purchases are made on the website by filling out the provided form. When filling out the form, the Buyer is obliged to enter all the necessary information. The purchase can only be completed with confirmation that the Buyer has read and understood the General Terms and Conditions, agrees to them, and is aware that it is an order with an obligation to pay.

Purchases are possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Le Šmuk is not responsible for the costs of using computer equipment and telecommunication services required to access the service. The Buyer will be notified by email about the order confirmation and shipment.

If, for any reason, Le Šmuk is unable to deliver any of the ordered products, the Buyer will be contacted by Le Šmuk's staff, by phone or email, to arrange the delivery of a substitute product or possible cancellation of the ordered product.

Purchases are made by ordering available products that the Buyer selects based on the photo and basic description. The photos are for illustrative purposes only and may not always correspond to the available products in all details. The purchase is made in several simple steps, from anywhere in the world.

Product search is possible based on various criteria. By entering a specific term in the "Search" bar, products related to that term will appear. The Buyer can choose a specific product of interest and read the available product description to independently determine if the product meets their needs. The Buyer selects products from the Le Šmuk product catalog, which is organized by product types and collections.

Product ordering is done electronically. By clicking on the "Add to Cart" icon, the selected product is added to the cart. Adding a product to the cart does not reserve, order, or purchase the product. The Buyer can continue adding products by clicking on "Continue Shopping" or complete the product selection process by clicking on "Proceed to Checkout." By clicking on "Proceed to Checkout," the Buyer has the option to enter a gift voucher or coupon if they have one. When the Buyer completes the product selection process, by clicking on "Proceed to Checkout," they will be redirected to a page where they choose the payment method, delivery method, enter a gift voucher or coupon if they have one, and add notes. It is not possible to continue the purchase without selecting the option "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Website Terms," thereby confirming that the Buyer has read and understood these General Terms and Conditions. By clicking on "Change Cart Contents," the Buyer can change the cart contents. If the Buyer agrees to purchase the products in the cart, they can click on the "Order" icon. After the Buyer places the order by clicking on the "Order" icon, the seller will send the General Terms and Conditions together with the order confirmation and order number to the Buyer's email address, confirming that the Buyer's order has been received.

The sales contract is concluded at the moment of acceptance by the Buyer.

The Seller will send the Buyer a confirmation of the conclusion of the contract to their email address.

The Consumer, in the capacity of the Buyer, concludes a sales contract with the business named Kreativna radionica (hereinafter referred to as Le Šmuk) in the capacity of the seller.

The conclusion of a sales contract through the website is regulated in accordance with legal provisions, taking into account the principles and provisions of the European Union directives and represents the conclusion of a distance contract.

These General Terms and Conditions are prior notice and apply to the conclusion of a sales contract if the Buyer is a consumer or any natural person who enters into a legal transaction or acts on the market outside their trade,business, craft, or professional activity, and if the contract is concluded between a trader and a consumer within an organized system of sales or service provision without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer in one place, using only one or more means of distance communication.

Means of distance communication are all means that can be used to conclude a distance contract without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, such as the internet and email.

The Seller may terminate the sales contract if the Buyer fails to pay the purchase price and is not obliged to deliver the product until the purchase price is received unless the Buyer has chosen the cash on delivery payment method. If, for any reason, the Buyer does not accept the shipment and returns it to the seller, the seller will not make any further deliveries.

If the Buyer does not receive the paid ordered products within 10 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays) from the payment, or within 10 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays) from the conclusion of the sales contract with agreed payment upon delivery, they are obliged to inform Le Šmuk at the email address

If the Buyer does not receive a purchase confirmation via email within 72 hours or cannot access the service as indicated in the email, they must contact the seller from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm, at the address

In case Le Šmuk is unable to deliver any of the ordered products for any reason, the Buyer will be contacted by Le Šmuk staff, by phone or email, to arrange the delivery of a substitute product or possible cancellation of the ordered product.

In case of any problems or uncertainties during the order, the Buyer can contact Le Šmuk at the email address on weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm.

Product Price and Payment Methods

The prices of the products are stated on the website

Le Šmuk reserves the right to change the prices of products and special offers on the website without prior notice. Prices, payment terms, and special offers are valid only at the time of ordering and/or payment.

The Buyer is obligated to pay for the ordered products using one of the following payment methods:

Credit or debit card: The Buyer can make payment directly online using a credit or debit card. Accepted payment services include Amex, Apple pay, Mastercard i Visa.

Bank transfer payment: If the Buyer chooses this option, the necessary payment information will be sent to the email address provided in the order, including the bank account number to which the Buyer should transfer the order amount. The Buyer can make the payment through online banking or by payment at a bank, post office, FINA (Financial Agency), etc. Once Le Šmuk receives the payment from the Buyer, the ordered products will be sent to the address provided in the order.

Cash on delivery payment is not available for orders within Croatia and the EU.

Note: These are the available payment methods, and the Buyer should choose the most suitable one for them during the ordering process.